Title: “Fresh from the Oven: Recipe for Half KG Biscuits”


Homemade biscuits are a treat like no other. Fresh from the oven, they fill your home with a warm, comforting aroma and satisfy your snack cravings. In this recipe, we’ll guide you through making half a kilogram of delicious biscuits, perfect for a crowd-pleasing treat.

Recipe of biscuits

Ingredients and Quantity:

– 250g all-purpose flour

– 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

– 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

– 1/4 teaspoon salt

– 1/2 cup cold butter, cut into small pieces

– 3/4 cup lukewarm milk

– 1 egg, beaten (optional)

– Sugar or sesame seeds for topping (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).

2. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

3. Add cold butter and mix until crumbly.

4. Gradually add milk and mix until a smooth dough forms.

5. Roll out dough to 1-inch thickness.

6. Cut into desired shapes.

7. Brush with beaten egg and top with sugar or sesame seeds (if using).

8. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Nutritional Chart (per serving):

| Nutrient | Amount |

| — | — |

| Calories | 120 |

| Protein | 2g |

| Fat | 4g |

| Saturated Fat | 2g |

| Carbohydrates | 20g |

| Fiber | 1g |

| Sugar | 2g |

| Sodium | 100mg |

| Cholesterol | 10mg |


Half KG Biscuits are a delicious and fresh snack option, perfect for tea time or as a quick bite. With their crispy exterior and soft interior, these homemade biscuits are sure to satisfy your cravings. Enjoy!

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