Title: “A Hearty Delight: Recipe for 1 kg Mutton Biryani”


Mutton biryani, a quintessential South Asian dish, is a staple at every special occasion. This fragrant and flavorful rice-based delight is a treat for the senses. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the recipe for 1 kg mutton biryani, perfect for feeding a large gathering. Get ready to satiate your taste buds and nourish your body with this nutrient-rich dish.

Recipe for 1 kg Mutton Biryani

Ingredients and Quantity:


– 1 kg mutton pieces (with bone)


– 2 tbsp cumin seeds

– 1 tsp coriander seeds

– 1 tsp fennel seeds

– 1 tsp turmeric powder

– 1 tsp red chili powder

– 1 tsp garam masala powder

– 1 tsp salt


– 4 cups basmati rice


– 2 large onions, chopped

– 2 large tomatoes, chopped

– 2 green chilies, chopped

– 2 tbsp ghee

– 2 tbsp lemon juice

– 1 cup water

– Fresh cilantro, for garnish


1. Rinse and soak rice for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside.

2. In a large pot, heat ghee and sauté onions, tomatoes, and green chilies.

3. Add mutton pieces and cook until browned.

4. Add spices and cook for 2 minutes.

5. Add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook until mutton is tender.

6. Layer rice and mutton mixture in a large pot. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes.

7. Garnish with cilantro and serve hot.

Nutritional Chart (per serving)

| Nutrient | Amount |

| — | — |

| Calories | 550 |

| Protein | 35g |

| Fat | 25g |

| Saturated Fat | 10g |

| Carbohydrates | 60g |

| Fiber | 5g |

| Sugar | 5g |

| Sodium | 400mg |

| Cholesterol | 60mg |


This 1 kg mutton biryani recipe is a nutrient-dense delight, providing a good balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. The mutton provides a rich source of protein, while the rice and spices add fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. This dish is perfect for special occasions or large gatherings, serving 8-10 people. Enjoy!

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